-Our templates are designed with Antenna software and can be modified with any HTML editor that supports HTML 4.01 and CSS 2/3 .
-All Antenna website files are stored in a single .ata file for Antenna users. Exported for other HTML editor users.
-All included images are .jpg, .gif, or .png, all of which can be opened and viewed with existing Windows Operating System software. (no .fla, .swf, or .psd files)
-The buttons and/or navigational text are all non-flash. You do not need flash designated software to modify any aspect of the template.
-All template text (titles, buttons, and hyper-links) can be modified within Antenna or any other HTML editor. No image based text has been used, only editable text.
-All templates are layered, making modification as simple as changing the appropriate layer.
-All templates include a theme.html page, as well as custom styles and color schemes which allow for simplification of global changes.